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11 Apr
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Card Games, Classic Board Games, Modern Board Games
The Woodbury Patch promotes games including Ticket to Ride, Rage, Bananagrams, Apples to Apples, The Game of Things, Chinese Checkers, and Blokus. (source)
And the Woodstock-Towne Lake Patch promotes local store Titan Games and Comics. (source)
The Tennessee Journalist promotes local store Organized Play. (source)
Business Week takes a look at the technology behind Mindflex Duel. (source)
The New Yorker takes their usual long look, this time at Chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen. (source subscription reqd)
The Riken Brain Science Institute (BSI) in Wako, Japan takes a look at how expert Shogi players’ brains differ from amateurs’. (source)
The Kansas City Star promotes Bridge. (source)
TechCrunch promotes a board game about start-ups. (source)
Buffalo Games has teamed up with Tyson Foods for a promotional campaign. (source)
The Hobby Manufacturer’s Association will be cross promoting with the Toy Industry Association. (source)
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