Welcome to Purple Pawn, covering games played around the world by billions of people every day.
Tell DriveThruRPG about your character. Prizes for the best stories include an Android tablet computer and gift certificates of $25-$100.
Through the end of May, you can get a free NASA add-on deck with the purchase of You’ve been Sentenced from McNeill Designs. Use coupon code “NASA”.
In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the ebook release of The Book of Eldritch Might, Malhavoc Press ebooks are on sale at 30% off. Print-on-demand books are 10% off.
Eagle & Gryphon Games will give one copy of Roll Through the Ages to someone who posts something positive about the company’s games on the Eagle & Gryphon Games’ Facebook wall. Don’t write anything negative.
Follow and retweet @FunQGames for a chance to win a copy of all three of the company’s games.
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