Join Us!

Purple Pawn needs you! Our reporters are covering the news as fast as they can but can’t keep up. We have a constant backlog of stories. Too many of them end up never being written. And there are even more games, new topics, and different types of stories waiting to be covered.

Purple Pawn is the only site covering mainstream and hobby games, the only site covering product releases, business news, and games in popular culture. Purple Pawn is the only site dedicated to covering all of the tabletop, analog, live, and in-person games played by billions of people around the world every day!

Additional contributors would also free up our time to do more marketing and promotion for the site, as well as desperately needed site maintenance and development.

Can you write short news articles on various games at least two or three times a week? Or maybe there’s a particular game or category for which you can commit to keeping our readers up-to-date at least once a week?

Help make your favorite game news site even better! You can even make some money in the process.

Contact David to get started.

2 Responses

  1. Dave Dyer

    August 18th, 2008 at 10:46 pm


    no comment. Just good wishes.

  2. garry jackson

    October 3rd, 2008 at 1:41 am

