Evil Hat Productions announced the publication of Bubblegumshoe, a roleplaying game of “teen girl detectives in the vein of Veronica Mars“, developed by Emily Care Boss, Kenneth Hite, and Lisa Steele. The game, run using a modified version of Pelgrane Press’ GUMSHOE engine, was initially announced in late 2011, when it was described as having the teen’s town be central to the game: “Important game mechanics will focus on defining, revealing, and occasionally reshaping the town by way of its relationship map,” wrote Fred Hicks.
The game’s announcement is that it’s a “teen detective story game” with the cover featuring two females and one male, suggesting it’s no longer a “teen girl” game. (And honestly, Wallace Fennel would have been a player character in a Veronica Mars RPG.)
Bubblegumshoe is expected to be available in June, for $25.