If you are unfamiliar with it, Syrinscape is a sound design app that adds evocative ambient background sound and a movie-like soundtrack to your tabletop gaming experience. From ethereal forests and stony shorelines to dank vermin-filled dungeons and the spooky depths of the underdark.
And now they have landed a partnership with D&D. This along with the recently announced Call Of Cthulhu RPG soundtrack and their existing collaboration with Pathfinder RPG, not to mention their vast library of original soundtrack content, Syrinscape has taken the lead on making a fully immersive gaming experience.
Chaosium is joining the ranks of RPG companies offering hosted licenses for third-party publishing. As with the community content programs offered by WOTC, Mongoose, Monte Cook Games, and others, the Miskatonic Repository will allow members of the public to sell support material for Call of Cthulhu.
The program will be run by DriveThruRPG and provide art resources that contributors can use in addition to their own. They will, however, be required to use Chaosium’s style templates, which will be available for Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign. And though contributors will be able to set their own prices, a portion of any revenue will of course go to the host and Chaosium.
01 Dec
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, Modern Board Games, RPGs
CMON announced this week a deal with Steve Jackson Games to produce board games based on the latter’s Munchkin property. The first title is planned for Fall 2018, inspired by CMON’s adventure game, Arcadia Quest.
Osprey is doing a card game based on characters from the 2000AD comics. The core mechanics for Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth will be derived from the company’s The Lost Expedition. Additional elements will track radiation and psychic abilities. And the game will play in competitive, cooperative, and solo modes.
Following up on its recent release of The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31, pop culture company Mondo is planning two more movie-tied titles: Jurassic Park and Fight Club. In the Jurassic Park board game, one person plays InGen, creating dinosaurs and developing the park, one person plays the park visitors, sending individuals around to various attractions, one person plays the velociraptors, sneaking around to kill other players, and one person plays the T-Rex, a single figure stomping everything. The only thing revealed so far regarding Figh Club is that it’ll be a card game.
Cubicle 7’s Call of Cthulhu license from Chaosium will expire at the end of December. The company, however, plans to port Cthulhu Britannica, World War Cthulhu, and The Laundry to new RPG systems.
17 Mar
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, Classic Board Games, Electronic Games, Modern Board Games, RPGs
There’s a Call of Cthulhu computer RPG coming in 2017.
Expected sometime this month is a VR version of Reiner Knizia’s Lost Cities card game. When networked head-to-head play is offered (it may not be at launch), the idea is to have head movements tracked so one can see which card an opponent is staring at.
Ubisoft studio, Red Storm Entertainment, is making a VR version of Werewolf where the system will cause a player’s in-game character to move and make hand-gestures based on the position of their head and the tone and volume of their voice.
The Uwe Rosenberg title, Glass Road, is now available on Android and iOS, featuring online play and graphics from the board game version.
Another Uwe Rosenberg title, Patchwork, recently launched on iOS, Android, and Windows PC/Phone.
An unofficial but designer-approved Eminent Domain: Microcosm Scoring app is available on Android.
Sagnithi Systems is seeking support on Steam Greenlight for a computer version of Snakes & Ladders that’s a first-person shooter!
Another board game Greenlight project is for a single-player version of Stratego.
Greg Stafford and Sandy Petersen have returned to Chaosium. Greg Stafford, Chaosium’s founder, is the new president of the company. Sandy Petersen, designer of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, returns to the company as vice president. This announcement was made as an update to Kickstarter backers of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition campaign. The campaign raised $561,836 in June, 2013, but has not completely fulfilled rewards. “My number one concern is seeing that the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition gets out to backers,” Sandy Petersen stated on yog-sothoth.com’s forums. “One way of looking at it is that the old Chaosium team is back again. Personally I think this is cause for rejoicing not worry.”
Mr. Stafford echoed those statements with a list of action items. The new management’s plans are to evaluate Chaosium’s current problems, ship the outstanding backer rewards for Chaosium’s September 2012 Horror on the Orient Express campaign, fulfill the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition‘s Kickstarter campaign, and “return to regularly making awesome new games”.
Mr. Petersen also said that the new management hasn’t been able to completely examine everything that has gone on with Chaosium, but his “hope and plan is that we do not lose ground with the takeover but in fact that the production is accelerated.” On Kickstarter, he also stated that he is “a big fan of transparency and communication and I expect to bring this to Chaosium’s campaigns as well.”