Fans of the show Parks and Recreation rejoice! The Cones of Dunsire, the game designed by the show’s Ben Wyatt, is very close to becoming reality. Now some people have been lucky enough to play a copy of the game at Gen Con, but now Mayfair is trying to produce of copy of the game for you to get your greedy, little hands on.
Want to make sure you get a copy of the game? You’ll have to pledge at the $500 if you do. Of course the game also needs to reach it’s $300,000 goal in the next 54 days, too. Something tells me they won’t have much trouble doing so.
At $500, I’ll never see a copy of the game on my shelves. Who knows. I may get lucky enough that I’ll see it at a convention one day.
A game that started out as the ramblings of a television character is now set to be produced by Mayfair Games. The company is planning to publish Cones of Dunshire, which first appeared as the invention of Ben Wyatt (played by Adam Scott) on NBC’s Parks and Recreation.
At Gen Con last month, Mayfair ran a life-sized Cones of Dunshire charity event. The enthusiastic response has convinced Mayfair to develop the game in to an actual retail product. The company’s plans include crowdfunding a super-deluxe version, followed by the release of a standard version.
[via Entrepreneur]