Thundergryph Games has just launched Dead Man’s Doubloons, a simultaneous action pirate adventure by Geek Fever Games‘ Jason Miceli.

This is an exciting project for me, as I played an early version of the game some time ago with Jason and absolutely loved it. To see it picked up by Thundergryph and already doing so well has me drooling to get my hands on the finished product.

The game involves a land race for treasure while pirate ships battle around the central island. For more info on the game, check out the Kickstarter campaign.

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ThunderGryph Games has just announced their latest title headed to Kickstarter soon, Dead Man’s Doubloons. To celebrate the announcement their holding a giveaway on the game’s page.

Dead Man’s Doubloons has players’ ships skirmishing in the water while their captains scour a central island for map fragments and booty. In the end they battle it out to see who’s got the most riches.

I’ve actually had the chance to play an early prototype of the game over Tabletop Simulator with the game’s designer, Jason Miceli of Geek Fever Games. The game is pretty sweet, and can handle 2-5 players in roughly 45 minutes. It’ll be great to see this hit Kickstarter soon and finally come out in its final form!


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