04 Nov
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, Electronic Games, Modern Board Games, RPGs, War Games
Just launched is Sword Coast Legends, a Dungeons & Dragons video RPG available for PS4 consoles and PC or Mac via Steam. Based on D&D’s 5th Edition rules and set in the Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast Legends features a Dungeon Master Mode, which allows a user to not only create new adventures but also to adjust them in real time in response to player actions.
The Exodus: Proxima Centauri Companion app (iOS) will calculate costs for working through the technology tree, plot fleet movement, and roll dice. Not yet but soon, it’ll provide a victory point calculation tool as well.
Another new companion app available on iOS devices substitutes for the Crossroads deck in Plaid Hat Games’ Dead of Winter. The app, though, forces the players to decide on which actions to take without the benefit of advance knowledge of the results.
A recent update to Sentinels of the Multiverse for iOS adds support for online cross-platform multiplayer games. There’s also now a free learn-to-play edition of the game (with limited content, of course) available for both iOS and Android.
Monopoly and Yahtzee join Catch Phrase as Hasbro games playable via Chromecast.
Family Fun Board Games’ The Postal Game is now available to download for PC or Mac, as an online browser game, for iOS, and for Android.
The City expansion for Talisman: Digital Edition adds a new region, six characters, 82 city cards, and three alternative ending cards.
Another classic, Titan, previously available for iOS, is now also available for Android.
Two of the three promos for Plaid Hat Games’ Dead of Winter are available for individual purchase. The Kodiak Colby survivor promo, originally only available by ordering the game from the Plaid Hat Games website, and the Felicia Day survivor promo, previously available only as part of Geek & Sundry’s International Tabletop Day package, are on sale for $5.95. Both promos come with a Crossroads card, Survivor card, and survivor standee piece. The Felicia Day promo went into high demand following International Tabletop Day (April 11, 2015), with sellers on eBay selling the item for up to sixty dollars.
There is no word on if the Lucky Luke Smith promo, developed for Watch It Played‘s 2014 IndieGoGo funding campaign, will be released for sale.