In early July, Evil Hat Productions filed to register a trademark for Star Frontiers, an abandoned trademark previously held by Wizards of the Coast as part of their purchase of TSR.
TSR’s Star Frontiers published between 1982 and 1985. A remake of the setting with a different name was published in 2004 as part of Wizards of the Coasts’ d20 Modern sourcebook, d20 Future. The United States Patent and Trademark Office lists Wizard of the Coasts’ claim on the trademark as “dead” as of April 17, 2004.
The TSR version of Star Frontiers was the company’s space-faring science-fiction roleplaying game, set in a relatively unknown region of space where humans and a group of other alien species had formed a “United Planetary Federation”. Evil Hat’s filing for the trademark lists a roleplaying game and a series of fiction works including novels.
This article has been edited as mentioned in the comments below.
Evil Hat Productions announced the publication of Bubblegumshoe, a roleplaying game of “teen girl detectives in the vein of Veronica Mars“, developed by Emily Care Boss, Kenneth Hite, and Lisa Steele. The game, run using a modified version of Pelgrane Press’ GUMSHOE engine, was initially announced in late 2011, when it was described as having the teen’s town be central to the game: “Important game mechanics will focus on defining, revealing, and occasionally reshaping the town by way of its relationship map,” wrote Fred Hicks.
The game’s announcement is that it’s a “teen detective story game” with the cover featuring two females and one male, suggesting it’s no longer a “teen girl” game. (And honestly, Wallace Fennel would have been a player character in a Veronica Mars RPG.)
Bubblegumshoe is expected to be available in June, for $25.