
Fantasy Flight Games is taking over Legend of the Five Rings from Alderac Entertainment Group. The two companies have entered in to an agreement for the sale of all intellectual property in the Asian-inspired game series.

AEG’s final L5R products will be the Evil Portents CCG expansion and the Atlas of Rokugan. Fantasy Flight announced intentions to switch L5R over to its living card game distribution model (i.e., regularly released, non-randomized card sets), with initial products debuting at Gen Con 2017. The company stated that there will be significant changes as well to the card game’s mechanics, though it intends to maintain the game’s “spirit and emotional impact”.

In regards to the roleplaying game, FFG said that it is “excited to explore new possibilities” but does not yet have specific plans.

Recognizing that Evil Portents, a new card set for a lame-duck CCG, will be a hard sale, AEG announced that it will be “virtually giving it away for free”.

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