17 Mar
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, Classic Board Games, Electronic Games, Modern Board Games, RPGs
There’s a Call of Cthulhu computer RPG coming in 2017.
Expected sometime this month is a VR version of Reiner Knizia’s Lost Cities card game. When networked head-to-head play is offered (it may not be at launch), the idea is to have head movements tracked so one can see which card an opponent is staring at.
Ubisoft studio, Red Storm Entertainment, is making a VR version of Werewolf where the system will cause a player’s in-game character to move and make hand-gestures based on the position of their head and the tone and volume of their voice.
The Uwe Rosenberg title, Glass Road, is now available on Android and iOS, featuring online play and graphics from the board game version.
Another Uwe Rosenberg title, Patchwork, recently launched on iOS, Android, and Windows PC/Phone.
An unofficial but designer-approved Eminent Domain: Microcosm Scoring app is available on Android.
Sagnithi Systems is seeking support on Steam Greenlight for a computer version of Snakes & Ladders that’s a first-person shooter!
Another board game Greenlight project is for a single-player version of Stratego.
27 Sep
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, Classic Board Games, Electronic Games, Modern Board Games
Splendor is now available for PCs via Steam. And Days of Wonder has upgraded the game (iOS and Android) with a fourth challenge pack, Saint Petersburg, based on Russia in the 13th-17th centuries.
Orchard Toys has ported some of their games for preschoolers to iOS.
Reiner Knizia’s Lost Cities card game is getting a virtual reality edition (Samsung Gear VR and VRFocus).
Dr. Knizia is also the designer of Dice Monsters, being brought to iOS by Timecode.
Hammerfall Publishing has launched Warhammer 40,000: Regicide on Steam. The game combines 40K, Chess, and gore.
Yeah, you read that title right. No, it’s not a joke.
The Campfire Union has just announced that they’re working on a virtual reality edition of Lost Cities. The first platform it will be launched on will be the Gear VR from Oculus and Samsung, with a planned release of late 2015.
Since VR doesn’t do hand tracking very well, the game will still use standard controller input.
It seems like a long time since I’ve seen Kosmos game around, but they’re back with a vengeance in 2015! Six new games were being shown, some great reprints among them. I wish I had more pictures from the booth, but for some reason they all came out incredibly blurry. The only clear shot I got was from Lost Cities.
Dohdles! – $39.95 – Ages 8+
A sculpting family party game for 3-6 players, Dohdles is actually a reprint of the Spiel des Jahres winner Barbarossa. You need to sculpt items and have someone guess what it is, but you don’t want everyone to guess correctly! You also don’t want to make it so no one guesses correctly. Find the right mix to score the most points. Available in May.
Ubongo – $39.95 – Ages 8+
A reprint of the excellent puzzle game where players race against a timer to solve a puzzle. The faster you solve the geometric puzzles, the more gems you get. This new version looks excellent, and it’s about time I added this one to my collection! Available in May.
Dimension – $49.95 – Ages 8+
Dimension is another puzzle game, but this one uses colorful spheres. Using rules from 6 cards, players need to build with the spheres while adhering to the constraints. Fast building is important, but so is following the rules. Available in April.
Lost Cities – $19.95 – Ages 10+
A favorite of my wife and mine, Lost Cities is back in all its glory. With a very slightly updated look, everything you love about the classic exploration card game is still here. Play expedition cards to earn points, but make sure you have enough to cover the cost of the journey! Available in April.
Lost Cities: The Board Game – $39.95 – Ages 10+
Just like Lost Cities, except bigger and supporting up to 4 players. Of course it’s a bit different being a board game instead of a card game, but all the mechanics are still there. Set out on expeditions by playing cards in a path’s color to proceed along. Available in April.
Kahuna – $24.05 – Ages 10+
Another faithful reprint of a classic Kosmos game, Kahuna is a two player game where you’re trying to gain dominance of 12 small islands. As always with Kosmos 2-player games, it’s deceptively simple yet very strategic. Available in April.
11 Feb
Posted by Lory Gilpatric as Modern Board Games
European game company KOSMOS is set to launch a series of six popular strategy board games directly in the U.S. for the first time.
Lost Cities: The Board Game and Kahuna are both popular games previously distributed by Rio Grande Games that have been out of print in the U.S. market for a few years. Ubongo was distributed by Z-Man Games and is also currently out of print. Dimension and Dohdles are both new to the U.S. market. Read the rest of this entry »