Bases on the award-winning web comic series by Scott Christian Sav, The Dreamland Chronicles is an upcoming digital trading card game for the iPad and Android devices. The game, aimed at a younger audience, is being developed by people who have worked on video games such as Tomb Raider, Red Dead Redemption, Star Wars: Battlefront, Tony Hawk, and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. The game came about when the developers could not find quality, age appropriate apps for their children.
The game features add a bit more to the CCG mix:
To ensure the safety of young players online, Protobird Games is partnering with Privacy Vaults Online (PRIVO), a third-party Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Safe Harbor and identity & consent service provider. PRIVO enables websites, apps, games and other online services to comply with COPPA when they interact with and market to children online under the age of 13.
Currently in the Kickstarter phase, the game has raised $6,878 of it’s $35,000 goal with 28 days left to go.