Savage Tales of Horror is a three-volume anthology of frightful adventures for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. The books include selections for various Savage Worlds settings, including Solomon Kane, Deadlands, The Last Parsec, Slipstream, and others, as well as a number of generic adventures. This one in volume 2 sounds fascinating:
As players in a roleplaying game you love to fight demons and monsters as wizards and warriors. But what about when the LARP of Horror becomes all too real?
The Savage Tales of Horror series releases in PDF form one volume per week for the rest of September. They’ll be available in print next March.
The Last Parsec is a new campaign setting being developed by Pinnacle Entertainment for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. As the name implies, it’s a science fiction setting. Yet besides that, The Last Parsec is bit difficult to pin down. It has a little bit of everything. As lead project manager, Timothy Brian Brown, explained to Purple Pawn:
The Last Parsec uses the Savage Worlds core rules and the Science Fiction Companion, which gives Game Masters the key sci-fi elements that we feel introduce the most exotica into galaxy-spanning roleplaying fun. Then, rather than focus on just a few central conflicts or themes and funnel everybody into those, we created a vast panoply of possibilities where GMs and players can engage in whatever sort of sci-fi fun they choose. It’s a big universe, and The Last Parsec reflects that.
Pinnacle’s approach to product roll-out for The Last Parsec is also a little different. Instead of starting off with a core book, Pinnacle’s initial release will be three campaign books. Six short-fiction works are already available.
In short, our goal is maximum adventurous fun at launch. We’re providing a Primer free as a PDF download to anyone and everyone, which gives all the information on The Last Parsec’s Known Worlds to get everyone started, including the GM. The Plot Point Campaigns and Savage Tales in each of the first three adventure books should keep players plenty involved until we publish the setting book—which will open up every aspect of The Last Parsec for limitless campaigning.
The Last Parsec is up on Kickstarter for another 3 days but has already funded over eight-times over. Pinnacle estimates delivering PDF versions of the books in November, print versions in May.