What kind of worker are you? A hard worker? Suck up? Prestigious? It doesn’t really matter unless you’re the type of worker that the boss likes! Office Life is a game of becoming the type of worker your boss likes, and sabotaging all the other workers to make you stand out. The game is light, quick, and makes a good filler for a group of people. I’d explain how it’s played, but Walter Sharrow, the designer, has already created a wonderful video to do just that.
While a good amount of the game is based on the luck of the boss outcome, and the draw, there’s definitely a good amount to be done with the hand of cards you’re dealt. Make the best use of them, as you won’t be getting any more!
While this game doesn’t break and ground, it’s a small, fun, quick way to have a good time with the right group of people. I actually took this one to PAX East with me this year to put it through it’s paces, and I have a good time with it. For $10 + shipping, it’s not a bad deal at all.
A copy of Office Life was provided free for review by World Wide Chaos, Inc.
MEZMO is a new game by World Wide Chaos, INC where players work together to create a work of art. Players try to play tiles that appeal to their fellow players, while at the same time judging tiles played by others.
You can check out the full rules here.
Mezmo is available from Lyris Laser Studio for $20 (MDF) or $25 (Acrylic.)