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Hot Chicks: The Game is an RPG of a dystopian near-future:
Welcome to the world of 2015. Mankind’s greed for wealth and knowledge has damned our collective souls. The Corporations have declared that human beings are a resource, to be used and discarded as they wish. Careless mages have released the demons of Hell into the world, to prey upon human terror and suffering. Aliens from far stars have taken notice, and are preparing to harvest the entire human race for their own profit.
I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that they will regret setting the game in 2015 about 6 years from now.
The game is from Dakkar Unlimited, whose work also includes Hot Dudes and Stuff to Beat Up.
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I’m still trying to figure out how the name fits the actual setting. Or is it just another lousy marketing trick? Get a nice name, fit into ‘X’ theme.
I think I can answer that.
In the couple of years that we were working on “Hot Chicks: The RPG,” we produced a fairly large number of “Hot Chicks” art products. Paper miniatures, mostly, and art books with the full-sized graphics.
We had a couple of other lines… “Hot Dudes” and “Stuff to Beat Up,” but “Hot Chicks” outsold them all by a substantially large margin.
When we were doing the Art Books, we started including notes on the roles of Hot Chicks in roleplaying games, what their appearance suggested as far as roles and abilities. We even included some notes on Hot Chicks and horror scenarios. As we did this, the world of Earth in 2015 took shape, and that shape fitted nicely around Hot Chicks.
In “HOT CHICKS: The RPG,” women of strength and beauty are one of the most endangered populations of the embattled Earth of 2015. They are the most sought-after prize of the invading aliens as well as the corrupting demons, and corporations, as they always have, expoit Hot Chicks for profit’s sake.
While the characters in “HOT CHICKS: The RPG” can be either male or female, and can be as attractive, or unattractive as the player wishes, the storyline revolves around the efforts of Hot Chicks to save the future and destiry of mankind.
If we were gonna do the “Get a nice name, fit into ‘X’ theme” trick, we’d probably have called it “Naked Hot Chicks with Chainsaws, The Roleplaying Game.”
That might make a good supplement, though… ;)
Hey, Scott.
I totally agree with the idea of that supplement.
Just giving my opinion.