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Wild Cards is a new campaign setting for Mutants & Masterminds by Green Ronin Publishing. Following the Wild Cards stories, in the universe described in this book an alien virus has not only eliminated most of Earth’s population but left those remaining either hideous freaks or super-powered individuals. Certainly a different take on the superhero genre.
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Actually, unless something catastrophic happened in the later books (which I haven’t read), much of the population of Earth is alive and well in the aftermath of the alien virus.
The virus bomb did result in Aces (classic supers) and Jokers (freakish mutants) but they are still a relative minority.
Thanks for the clarification. I haven’t read the books. Perhaps I misunderstood Green Ronin’s description. This is what they said:
“In 1946 an alien virus released over Manhattan changed the world forever. Ninety percent of the people exposed to the wild card virus died, and some say they were the lucky ones. Of the survivors, nine out of ten were mutated into “jokers,” hideous freaks. Only a rare one percent became “aces,” people gifted with superhuman powers.”