The IGAs are an annual strategy board game award selected by a group of folks from around the board gaming community, many of them well known to those in the hobby.  The strategy board game awards are selected yearly across two main categories (strategy and historical), with specific IGAs given in these categories.  This year’s strategy winners are:

  • Multiplayer Game: Agricola – The game of dirt farmers in medieval Europe continues to wow gamers worldwide and was a pretty clear shoe-in for this award.  I won’t lie, this game saw more than five plays at my house within its first week on the market – its a great game and totally warrants the award.
  • Two-Player Game: 1960: Making of the President – Popular for its strikingly similarity to Twilight Struggle from a mechanics perspective, 1960 is a game representing the election between Nixon and Kennedy.  I won’t lie, given the choice, I’d rather play Twilight Struggle, but in a pinch, this one is a fine game.

Seems odd that all of the winners are published by Z-Man games, but Zev & company have been putting out some great titles lately…  Congratulations to all of the winners!