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01 Sep
Posted by rjstreet as Miniatures, Modern Board Games
One of the big theories coming out of the sale of BattleLore to Fantasy Flight Games was that it would free up time and resources that could be used to better support the popular Memoir ’44 game. Turns out there may be something to that theory – Brumbarr (a member of the very active Memoir ’44 community) got wind of pre-order information for a new expansion: Mediterranean Theater. You will notice that the box clearly depicts British forces, leading to quite the wave of excitement over at the geek. Not much is known about the expansion beyond the description provided for pre-order purchases, though the expansion is expected to ship in the 4th quarter of ’08. Given that Days of Wonder didn’t have the expansion avaialble at GenCon (or even hint that it was coming out), one has to wonder what else they have up their sleeve…
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