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Wizards of the Coast has made an announcement likely to get the attention of role players and minis gamers alike. The D&D Miniatures line has been revamped and split into two offerings. The first offering, D&D Miniatures: Heroes, will be split into six different packs, each consisting of three visible miniatures and power cards with “new class features.” The three miniatuers will be two male and one female character representing one of the iconic character types in D&D. The six packs available in Spring of 2009, at a retail cost of $10.99 US, will include:
Wizards has indicated that the Heroes line will be updated from time to time to provide greater player options.
The other new line is D&D Miniatures: Monstrous Manual, which will provide the monster side of the equation. Things are a little more old fashioned with this line, with each pack having one visible miniature, one rare, one uncommon and two common miniatures (in addition to the traditional character cards). The first set, Dungeon Delve, will include both medium and large miniatures with a retail price of $14.99 US.
Overall, its an interesting move by WotC and one that’s been called for by a fairly vocal segment of the gaming community. However, I’m a little concerned with where this announcement leaves D&D miniatures as a standalone game, particularly in its competitive form. While I’m glad to see this move (which makes me more likely to play D&D 4E in general), it does pretty much end the days of sealed D&D Miniatures tournaments…
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