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06 Nov
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Modern Board Games
The Japan Public Health Association created a series of board game called Crossroads following the 1990s earthquake that devastated Kobe.
The five person voting game asks ethical questions, where you score points for being in the majority if a vote is 3 to 2, or being the lone voice if the vote is 4 to 1.
A sample question reads: “Suppose you’re a nurse. The hospital you’re working for has decided to accept avian flu patients. You are worried you could become infected and subsequently infect your child, who goes to a daycare center, with the flu. Do you think it’s appropriate to make up an excuse to miss work in this situation?”
They released two versions of the game: one about bird flu, and one about food safety. Other organizations have subsequently made localized versions tackling other topics.
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