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30 Nov
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, CCGs, Miniatures, Modern Board Games, Other, RPGs, War Games
OK Yehuda, though we might see some additional sales on Cyber-Monday tomorrow, these are some I found today:
Kenzer & Company is offering back-issue collections of Knights of the Dinner Table, as well as $50 and $100 grab-bags promised to contain at least twice that in retail value of mixed products. Plus, the larger bags come with a special extra, such as original artwork, lucky dice, or other random personal stuff of Kenzer staff.
Avalanche Press is offering a range of war games at around 20-30 percent off. And if you spend more than $100, they’ll thow in an exclusive Panzer Division print-and-play expansion.
Steve Jackson Games’ Warehouse 23 retail shop is marking down all of its products and also including extra gifts for larger orders. At $50 you can get an Illuminati pin, at $100 Munchkin 6: Demented Dungeons and a Happy 4e Greeting Card, at $250 a pink Chibithulhu, and at $500 an autographed copy of Munchkin Quest.
At The War Store, online retailer of miniatures and other games, Black Friday Madness continues through Monday with an addtional 5 percent off all merchandise. Just don’t forget to use the coupon code.
Troll and Toad, the online retailer especially known for its collection of out-of-print games, is also offering a general discount, but in this case 10 percent with the coupon code.
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