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04 Dec
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Classic Board Games, Modern Board Games
X-Ceter-O, another imminent release from Endless Games, is a packaged game nearly identical to the age-old game Three Men’s Morris.
Each player has three numbered pieces: O’s are numbered 1,3, and 5, and X’s are numbered 2,4,6 . Players alternate placing or moving the stones on the board, in numerical order, starting again from 1 when all stones have been moved or placed.
Aside from the strict numerical ordering, this is Three Men’s Morris. But it’s packaged as “an imaginative twist on the classic game [of Tic Tac Toe], incorporating elements of chess and other strategy games,” with a claim that a tie is not possible.
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Apparently, you have no idea of the rules for Three Men’s Morris –
which involves two sets of four pieces (one set for each player), each set having its own color. Players take it in turns to place pieces on intersection points, and the first person to place three along a line wins the game.
Thanks for writing, Jimbo. Are you the designer?