By Thalantos - Our apologies to any IG players!

By Thalantos - Our apologies to any IG players!

Its that wonderful time of the year again where I decide to torture…I mean share…the best, most likely 40K rumors with you.  This time, we’re talking about the most expensive expansive army in 40K – the Imperial Guard.  So what can we expect on May 2nd when the newest codex drops?

  • Primaris Psykers are back – translation, you’re IG once more have some psychic hate to throw at the Emperor’s enemies
  • We may see a Commissar Lord – possibly with Stormtroopers as a troops choice
  • There will probably be an inquisitor and retinue option, not unlike we’ve seen in the other Imperial forces
  • Several sites have reported that individual troopers will only be 4 points!
  • There will apparently be a ton of tank variants
  • Ratlings are expected to return (based on a few greens that have been spotted)

Hrmmm…shame I just started a new Raven Guard army (I’m using for the painting – expect a review in a month!)…

(hat tip!)