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05 Jan
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Electronic Games, Modern Board Games
UNO Attack is the game of UNO, with an electronic doodad you must press when you should normally draw a card.
Instead of drawing one card, the doodad physically shoots a bunch (2-8) cards into your face. This is supposed to be fun. Sounds like a) even more random, b) something to break, and c) many cards suddenly added to the game means a longer, more tedious game.
On the other hand, if you like to see cards flying into the face of your mom, it may work for you.
Sorry! Card Revenge plays nearly identically, without the shooting. It plays a lot more like UNO than like Sorry (though the special abilities of the Sorry cards are still there). You still press the electronic doodad once in a while, and it shouts at you how many new cards to draw.
This is supposed to be fun. In my experience, repetitive mechanical voices quickly become annoying.
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