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There’s not much on the Watchmen tabletop gaming scene:
In the late 1980s, three Watchmen supplements to the now defunct, but still well-regarded, DC Heroes RPG were released: “Who Watched the Watchmen”, “Taking Out the Trash”, and the Watchmen Sourcebook. These included adventures and scrap material from both Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. There was also a complementary set of metal minis. (source)
Aside from this, you can find a few novelty game accessories, such as these Watchmen playing cards.
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A campaign similar to the Watchman’s theme would be interesting to play in but I’m not sure a game actually based on the story and characters would be much fun at all – the story and universe is very closed, and, if you stick to the books’s version, there aren’t a lot of true “super powered” heroes, just people operating slightly above the norm. Plus the story has a very finite ending.