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Alara Reborn, the latest expansion in the latest block of 145 Magic cards, is set to be released on April 30. So pre-releases have been taking place this weekend.
Alara Reborn is the first all-gold Magic set, including gold artifacts. I thought artifacts were colorless, but that shows you how long its been since I bought Magic cards.
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Best set in a long while, and it’s great to see MTG still has it in the creativity dept. And yes, it the first time they’ve had colored artifacts (not counting one odd duck in the Ravnica block).
Actually, there have been many colored artifacts since the beginning of this block last fall. One of the five “shards” in the storyline is an artifact world where nearly everything (including all creatures) are artifacts.
I share your sense of “oh God, how old am I…” when I think of Artifacts being anything but colourless. :)