helevetiqHelvetiq is two games about Switzerland. One game is a trivia game (212 312 questions) where you work your way up a line of cows to reach the queen cow. The other is some kind of political game. Game mechanics (I’m guessing the political game) is from Bruno Cathala (Mr Jack, Shadows Over Camelot, Queen’s Necklace), Malcolm Braff (Jamaica) and Sebastien Pauchon (Yspahan, Metropolys).

It was released in France, not Switzerland, and in French, not Swiss, since it was created by French citizen Hadi Barkat, originally from Algeria. But have no fears; they plan to release versions in (not Swiss, but) English, German, Italian, and Romansh. Update: Eek. A few mistakes. It was released in FRENCH, not FRANCE. There is no Swiss language; the Swiss speak some French, German, Italian, and Romansh. So I guess that makes some sense after all. Hadi Barkat IS originally Algerian, but now dual Algerian and Swiss (not French, just French-speaking). As to the 212 cards, instead of 312, I can at least blame source for that.
