ben_10Ben 10 was a popular animated sci-fi series about a boy who finds a watch (Omnitrix) that lets him transform into various other life forms. Ben 10 was followed by Ben 10: Alien Force, and the scheduled Ben 10: Evolutions. A movie is scheduled for the fall.

What games has this license brought to us?


Total Transformation Game is a game where you transform into random aliens using a fake Omnitrix.


Omnitrix Duel for Power Card Game is a War-like card game where you have to play the lower or higher card each turn.


In the DVD Game you roll, move, and perform some un-challenging task while skipping around the DVD.


The Ben 10 Collectible Card Game does not appear to be collectible, as it comes in two starter decks, A and B. It’s mostly a slug-fest, with some trick cards thrown in to spice things up.


Aliens Vs. Villains Game contains flimsy pieces. Roll the die to see what card you land on, and roll another to see if you get to keep it.


For the new series, we have Alien Force WebCardz, which are cards and a figure you use to unlock an online play experience.


Alien Force Quick Shot Game lets you shoot marbles at your opponent’s pieces.

All in all, rather disappointing looking.