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Malizia is a trivia board game about Monaco, from Art Com Monaco and the Monaco Stamp Issuing Office.
Monaco is Europe’s second smallest autonomous principality (after Vatican City) and is most famous for it’s Monte Carlo casino operations and its reputation as a tax haven. The game is named after Monaco’s conqueror, Francesco Grimaldi (il Malizia, The Malicious One), whose cousin’s descendants rule Monaco even today.
The game appears to only be available in French.
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“autonomous principality” – is there a non-autonomous principality anywhere in the world??
“… (after Vatican City)…” – since when has the Vatican (false: Vatican City) become a principality??
“… most famous for it’s [sic] Monte Carlo casino operations…” – False, most famous for its (mind the correction) Casino (not operations).
“… Monaco’s conqueror …” – False, Monaco has not been conquered; it didn’t need to be comquered.
All in all, a truly daft and sad posting of yours!
All proof that I need to get the game when it comes out in English.
(Most of my info and wording came from Wikipedia.)
Hahaha! Well, have fun with it when you got it. I think I will get it soon too.