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Quickit is a dice rolling cricket game from sggc Parodice Games, available as a board game and also as a free downloadable electronic game. At least I think it’s available as a board game; there doesn’t appear to be any way to acquire it as a board game on the web site.
The game is subtitled “a parody with dice”. There are three dice, and you roll to see how far and in what direction you hit the ball. If there is a rules conflict (I wasn’t sure how this could arise), roll all three dice until the umpire (the white die) agrees with either the batsmen (red die) or fieldsmen (green die).
Like cricket, I suspect that this is impossible for Americans to understand.
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Hi Shadejon, thank you for highlighting our product.
Quickit, (re-branded: Parodice Games Cricket or PG Cricket, for short) was the result of my coming to terms with the sport of Cricket -undeniably the most complicated one there is- after spending a lifetime of baseball in Venezuela.
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There is a lot of cricket happening in the United States as we speak. After seeing what they did with football, it is only a matter of time…
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Again, thank you for the plug.
Raul Bermudez