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ABC News pimps board games, all old ones or makeovers of old ones. (source)
The Gen Con wrap-up pimps itself. It notes 27,900 attendees. (source)
Schenectady’s Daily Gazette pimps The Settlers of Catan as part of a day well spent with friends. (source)
A Learn English and Reading Now organization in Virginia is pimping Scrabble as a learning tool. (source)
The New York Daily Star pimps board games, mostly old ones. But then she pimps “new games”, such as Anti-Monopoly, Apples to Apples Bible Edition, and Clue Harry Potter. She then admits her ignorance, pimping BoardGameRatings.com and the top games at Amazon.com.
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Wow… that ABC commercial advertisement paid by Hasbro made me want to puke. Guess there is no news anymore.
How about a law that makes these shows say a disclaimer when they are doing paid advertising instead of this crap?