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There are many hand-made games for sale on Etsy, the internet marketplace for crafts. Autism Creations, though, specializes in Picture Exchange Communiction System (PECS) products, including PECS games for autistic children, people with disabilities, and those learning English as a second language. Another seller on Etsy is Kyle, a 13 year old with autism, who loves to play video, board, and card games. Leader Wars is a game of his own design and includes a board, instructions, and two dice.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Purple Pawn, Kevin E. Schlabach. Kevin E. Schlabach said: Boardgames for those with Autism [Purple Pawn] http://ow.ly/yHLf […]
Family Time Magazine is a sponsor for the Autism Seminar Nov 21st in Chicago. Family Time [caroline@familytimemagazine.com]
nice game, i like it