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Rite Publishing has just realesed Fantastic Maps: The Dragon’s Lair as a PDF on RPGNow. Cartographer Jonathan Roberts designed the map, and apparently he’s a big name in this sort of this. The Dragon’s Lair is just what it sounds like it is, a (wait for it) dragon’s lair.
The PDF weighs in at 63 pages, and you also get high-res JPGs of the map, and Maptool files along with the PDF.
The whole package costs a whopping $1.35. That’s a lot of content for a little scratch.
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Isn’t it a great map? Jonathan created it for a tutorial series for my site. He even offered a discount to readers, if they put in a code at check out.
It costs $1.oo with the discount code. It’s a great tutorial on how to create that map… http://newbiedm.com/2009/11/09/newbiedm-tutorial-the-battlemap-a-guest-post-by-jonathan-roberts/
Just wanted to say thank you for mentioning the product.
Steve Russell
Rite Publishing