I hate falling behind …

A Russian poker player played over 40,000 (forty thousand) online poker hands in the space of 18.5 hours. (source) Really? 40,000? That’s a game every 1.5 seconds; computer assistance? For what it’s worth, the record for most number of games of Europa: Second Front in 18.5 hours is 1/3 of a game.

More on the upcoming Battleship movie from Peter Berg. (source) Claims that the upcoming game Battleship Galaxies did not restrict the plot of the movie. And that the movie will contain the line “You sank my Battleship”.

Borders goes into administration. (source)


The Detroit News pimps updated versions of many of Hasbro’s game line, as well as Jishaku. (source)

Will Merydith in The Fairfield Voice pimps The Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Pack and Stack, Through the Desert, and Dominion. (source)

The Boulder Daily Camera pimps game nights, including Pictureka and The Settlers of Catan. (source)

The Mormon Times pimps Game Night Games, the Spiel de Jahres awards, The Games 100, and The Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Le Havre, Lost Cities, Winds of Fortune, Picky Sticks, Pop the Pig, Chicky Boom, FITS, Exago, Zingo, Brass, Backseat Drawing, Scrabble Slam, Simpatico, Word on the Street, Word Quest, Bridge Troll, two Book of Mormon themed games, Kids of Carcassonne, Tibbar’s Find My ABCs, Pesky Pirates, Silly Socks, No Peeking, Hide & Seek, Spongebob Squarepants branded games, and new Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit editions. (source)

Joshua Kosman at The San Fransisco Chronicle, yet again: Finca, Maori, Secrets of the Sea, Kids of Carcassonne, Dominion Intrigue, Connect 4×4, Jenga Max, Monopoly City, 7 Ate 9, Pack and Stack, Scary Tales, Clue Secrets and Spies, Word on the Street, Fast Food, Sort It Out, You’ve Been Sentenced, Times Up! Title Recall, Endeavor, Smallworld, Tayu, Steam, Chicago Express, Masters of Venice, Sherwood Forest, Sutter’s Mill, Catan Geographies: Germany, Livingstone, Funagain Games, and local retailers. (source)

The Columbus Dispatch pimps CABS, Tobago, Pandemic, and Power Grid. (source)