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Factory Manager, from designer Friedmann Friese, is a new game with only loose ties to his previous hit, Power Grid. It’s also a tight game of resource optimization with energy an important thematic component. However, in this case players vie to assemble the most productive and efficient factory. No previous product from the Power Grid line is required. However, I definitely wouldn’t recommend it for Ft. Worth journalists.
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I’ve got to hand it to Friedmann Friese and Rio Grande – they know how to evoke the player’s need for fantasy and escapism. :)
Imagine the marketing meeting over the Power Grid cover… “Ja, the player will enjoy imagining he is a man in a lab coat twiddling knobs on a machine.”
And now, imagine the delight of the new cover! “Ja, the player will enjoy imagining he is a man in a tweed jacket ordering other people to twiddle knobs on machines.”
You’re absolutely right that while an incredible game, Power Grid is certainly not for everyone.
It so happens, though, that besides obsessing over games, I spend a good portion of my time earning a living in the electric power industry. I’ve actually bid on power plants at auction, purchased fuel supplies, built transmission lines, and sold electricity in the market. I’ve even had a chance to play Power Grid with government energy regulators: