powermage_54PowerMage 54 is a stand-alone combat card game build from a deck that is isomorphic to a standard deck of playing cards (hence the “54” in the game’s name). It is designed, illustrated, and produced by Corey Kliewer.

Each player has five cards, and cards either heal, defend, attack, or have a special ability. In games like these, it is the special abilities that make or break the game, so I’ll leave that to one of the other Pawns who is expecting a review copy at some point.

The publisher makes the mistake of putting the standard playing card symbols on the cards themselves. I know publishers do this so that they can add copy to the effect that “it can also be used as a standard deck of playing cards!”, but really all it does is make me want to play the game with a standard deck of playing cards. On the other hand, it only costs $6 at Amazon, and the illustrations and rules text on the cards give one reason enough to buy, if the game is worthwhile.