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Steve Kenson, the man behind the fan favorite superhero RPG, Mutants & Masterminds has announced that his newest project, ICONS, is available for pre-order. What exactly is ICONS? ICONS is Steve’s tribute to 80’s style superheroes (that’s the late bronze age for all you comic aficionados…) using elements of the FATE system (the generic, lightweight system from Fred Hicks and Rob Donoghue that’s probably best known from ENIE-nominated Spirit of the Century) featuring:
The game is advertised as a combination of old school super heroics with the pickup style of roleplaying (caveat emptor: I’m a fan of the FATE system, but there are many who fairly argue that the system isn’t real suitable for pickup games) and really seems set to deliver a unique and entertaining spin on the typical superhero RPG. Also, if you pre-order now, they’ll throw in a free PDF copy of the game and a whole bunch of extra content (including a rogue’s gallery and adventure). ICONS officially releases from Adamant Entertainment in June of 2010 with the release of the 128 page trade paperback and will retail for $29.95.
Update: Clarified the use of FATE based on publisher feedback!
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Just a quick comment — thanks for the coverage, but to clarify: ICONS doesn’t really use FATE. It uses *elements* of FATE (notably Aspects and the whole “Fate point economy” that surrounds them — referred to as Determination in ICONS), but as part of a new rules system.
I don’t want people expecting a full-blown FATE game, when that’s not what we’ve got here. :)
Updated – thanks for the feedback! To be honest, not using all of FATE will probably push me over the edge to pick this one up (I love the concept of FATE, but it’s just a bit too involved for most pickup games).
Interesting… I’ve really only experienced FATE through the SotC rule set so I’m always looking for interpretations of Fate to try and get a better feel for it.
I have already pre-ordered this. And looking forward to it anxiously.
I have to say, I’m pretty disappointed in ICONS. It’s actually too structured. One of the things I was hoping for was a superhero game with powers as Stunts or Aspects. Instead, Aspects are only really as centrally used as I’d like.
This is rules-lite hero gaming, not true FATE. I may build my own FATE heroes game after this.