If you’re a return reader, then you’ve probably seen my “Reader Interaction” posts.  Well I’ve decided to make them a weekly feature here on Purple Pawn, and thanks to the recommendation of another Pawn, will be calling it “Purple Parlay”.

These posts will run on Fridays and are meant to spark some conversation between the Pawns and our readers.

So what should our first official Parlay be?  How about the convention season? Believe it or not there’s plenty of conventions already coming up.

What conventions will you be attending? What conventions would you recommend?

I’m based in CT, and ConnCon is coming up, but I don’t think I’ll be attending since it’s the weekend of my daughter’s birthday party.  ConnectiCon is another con I like to hit in July, and it looks like this year it falls at a good time for me to go.