Welcome to Purple Pawn, covering games played around the world by billions of people every day.
I hinted about this in last week’s Purple Parlay.
If you don’t already know, this week is Read an RPG in Public Week. Basically the point of this week is to get the hobby “out of the basement” and into the public eye. Participation is simple. Read an RPG in public.
If you’re on the fence about reading an RPG out in the open, we’ve come up with a little idea to help persuade you.
We’re giving something away! A full set of Tremorworks’ HDL Universal Tactical Role-playing System. This includes:
HDL Basic Rulebook
Deck of HDL Cards
Demongate High setting
Perfect Horizon setting
Lucid: Dreamscape Reality setting
That’s a good chunk of RPG goodness right there!
UPDATE: The winner will also recieve a copy of HackMaster Basic and an Aces & Eights Player’s Guidebook from Kenzer & Company.
UPDATE 2: Fat Dragon Games will be providing a copy of the E-Z Dungeons Starter bundle to the winner!
UPDATE 3: Chaotic Shiny Productions will be providing a copy of Martial Flavor to the winner!
FINAL UPDATE: Obsidian Portal will be donating a 6 month Ascendant membership to the winner!
You might be wondering how you can enter? Easy as pie. Simply send us a picture of yourself reading an RPG in public. You can do this several ways:
Entries must be received by March 14th, 2009. We’ll pick a winner at random, and post some of the best images here on the site.
If that wasn’t enough! We’re currently working on grabbing some more prize material, so the payout to you may be even greater!
Disclosure: I’m the cofounder of Tremorworks, LLC, and am providing the Tremorworks pack for the prize of this contest.
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Oh sure. Do this awesome contest AFTER I become a part of the Purple Pawn family and therefore am ineligible. Sigh. We’ll pimp it on the podcast, nonetheless. :)
I’ve spread the word on RD/KA!@fB, the second string to the bow that is my “Roll dice and kick ass!” bloggery. I’ve even got a couple of good locations to try out later in the week; although I guess this counts as judge-fixing so that I’ve ruled myself out in advance? :-)
[…] the glorious week, make sure and snap a pic of yourself doing it and entering the contest over at Purple Pawn. The prize pool is pretty slick, and contains a Tremorworks bundle that includes the above HDL […]
Not my best pics, but best I could do today!
Of course I’m not eligable, since I’m running the contest, but here’s me reading the HDL Basic Rules at work.
Was in the pub last night catching up with the some Call of Cthulhu rules when my sister caught me with this photo.
Which then lead to a protracted discussion with a slightly bemused barman and late 40s/early 50s lady drinker about what I was reading and why I played such games :) So I not only read an RPG in public, I engaged innocent bystanders in conversation about RPGs! :D
Here I’am reading Savage Worlds in the bar.
Here’s me reading the 4e DMG: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cstarrett/4410446286/
Aurora’s whole realms catalog on the bus:
My own ‘Reading RPG rules in Public’ was reading my HERO4 rules on an all-night picket line back in the early 90s. No photos I’m afraid. For this Purple Pawn contest I staged a wee vignette with a little help from some friends:
– “He’s reading WHAT?”
– “It’s Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Core Rules, you dopes!”
– “What’s he on anyway?”
Hope you like them! ;)
“My own ‘Reading RPG rules in Public’ was reading my HERO4 rules”
– this should’ve read my own ‘Reading RPG rules…’ highpoint, naturally enough. ;)
I read lots of stuff in public over the last week or so, but it was hard to remember to bring along my camera. I finally got it done, though, and you can see it over here on my blog.