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Uncle Chestnut’s Table Gype, designed by Christopher and Paul Nowak, published by Eternal Revolution and also available as a download, was inspired by a quote from G.K. Chesterson: “I myself cut out and coloured pieces of cardboard of mysterious and significant shapes, the instruments of Table Gype; a game for the little ones.” He is referring to a game that he claims that he and H.G. Wells invented. Nobody actually knows how this game was played, although Wells was a famed wargamer.
This game adds dice and chess-like movement to the game of Chinese Checkers. Every time you jump a piece, you roll the piece to see what its new movement abilities are; each of the six faces permits a different type of movement.
Another recent game that combines dice with a popular abstract game (Abalone) is Knockabout by Pair-of-Dice Games.
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