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25 Apr
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Classic Board Games
Though the World Chess Championships in Sofia managed to start relatively on time (after the possibility of delay), the wild antics of our top Chess players can still create a brouhaha.
Bulgarian challenger Veselin Topalov requested that there be no conversation during play [1], a request that has “rocked” the Chess community and drawn cries of “insane” and “sheer provocation”. (source) Topalov is not called the “Bad Boy” of Chess [2] for nothing!
Anyhoo, Topalov won the first game in an upset, but defending champion Viswanathan Anand came back to win the second game. Further bulletins as events warrant.
[1] A request usually made to prevent endless offers to draw from an annoying opponent.
[2] I kid you not. He really is called the “Bad Boy” of Chess.
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