The investors on the TV show Dragon’s Den, whether the Canadian, UK, New Zealand, or any other edition, regularly chew up and spit out each game inventor hopeful who dares to come on their programs. You have to wonder why the inventors keep trying. Maybe it’s because, even though they come away with no money from the investors, the resulting TV exposure often leads to a bump in sales.

Another soon-to-be dragon fodder is on his way with a hockey card-game in hand. (source)

And I’m sure he’s hoping he’ll have better success than the inventors of Gockey, Bandthology, Let’s Dance, Soccer Tactics World, Scoundrels, If You Had To Choose, Wheel of Life, Hole, Take Me to the Cleaners, Synchrohearts, About Time, Destination, and yes, several others I’ve forgotten by now, as well as various sports games and equipment. None of whom got any money out of the dragons (two 11 year-old girls got a $500 charity gift for “Let’s Dance” from one dragon who felt sorry for them).