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I used to be a big Warhammer 40K player back in college. Eventually it just became too much for me to manage, both financially and time-wise. Now I’m really into Confrontation, but can never find anyone to play with. I also play a lot of Heroscape with my older son.
What are some of the miniature games you play? Do you play anything not a lot of people have heard of? Are you a diehard Games Workshop fan? Have you designed your own miniatures game?
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Warhammer fantasy for me, looking forward to 8th edition.
The problem you’re having with Confrontation is the same problem you’ll have with a lot of games. If you want to mini-game with anyone but yourself, you need to go 40K/Fantasy or Warmachine/Hordes.
I think you’re right. I should have never sold my Space Marine army.
I find that Heroscape’s system is light enough I can get most people to play it and its popular enough to find other collectors/players. I also got into Arcane Legions but since I usually have to provide two armies and my local scene died out, that game doesn’t get hit that often.
I also own some Confrontation (won a starter at GenCon) but no one around plays and I don’t have enough to provide multiple armies. That has never been played though it has everything I would like in a full on miniatures.
Yes, I’m afraid it’s true. Some games are very niche and it can be difficult to find opponents. GW is pretty universal and it’s easy to get an opponent.
As Tom points out, you might also have some luck with Warmachine/Hordes which is growing in popularity.
You asked if anyone had created their own game. I haven’t created a whole game but I have created an army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, call the Nauticans. There is also a design notes blog to support the army list… Nautican design
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If you don’t want to paint minis, then Heroscape and AT-43 are both very fun.
If you don’t mind painting, Malifaux is a blast (although depending on the age of your son, some models may be a bit NSFW). It’s a skirmish game, so the costs are fairly low. $35 for the rulebook and $30 for an army box (can be expanded upon, but doesn’t have to be). The odd thing about it is that it doesn’t use dice (it uses cards), but once you get the hang of it, it works pretty well.
Warmachine/Hordes does well too and has a great following where I play. I was just never able to really get into it much though.
Heroscape gets a lot of play at our house, not so much with the base game but with modified armies and rules. There are army cards out there for Warhammer 40k mini’s, Heroclix, Lego minifig’s.
I think that is one of the strengths of the Heroscape system is it’s simplicity and ease of modification.
Our current favorite version of Heroscape is Haloscape using repurposed Halo Action Clix.
I’ve also picked up World of Warcraft mini’s off eBay for the purpose of using them to play WoWscape.
I should look into picking up some extra mini’s to supplement the game with. It’d be much cheaper than picking up the expansions I missed.
I play Heroclix, Heroscape, and DnD minis. I used to play a ton of Heroclix. I even went to tournaments once a week, but don’t get as much of a chance as I used to. I have few friends that still play DnD minis from time-to-time. And I can’t wait til my so is older so we can play Heroscape together.
war hammer here
I’m a diehard 40K fan and have been since I first saw Rogue Trader advertsited in the pages of White Dwarf. My DIY space marines are my favourite toy soldiers of all time.
I’ve also designed 3 different WW2 tabletop games: tactical, tactical/operational and skirmish. None were completed, but they were all tested and they all worked. :-)
I mainly play Hordemachine and 40K, including some with my eight-year-old.
I really liked the Chainmail game that came out in 2001 or so. Wizards made it overfactionalized. They fixed some of it with D&D Minis, but went too far in the direction of board game for my taste. And I like picking and painting my own figures.