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While I don’t have a regular game group, I do play games more at work than I do at home. I’m luck to work in an office with two other avid boardgamers, and we always try to find time during lunch to play some games. Also lucky, is that we usually play in a space where we can leave a game set up if we can’t finish in a 1 hour period of time.
Does anyone else out there play games at work? What’s your setup like? How many people do you normally play with? What are some of your favorite games to play at work?
We’re huge fans of playing Pandemic, Zooloretto, For Sale, and Settlers of Catan. We’ve been trying to find time to play some larger games such as Shogun, Agricola, and BattleLore. Seeing as I kept a majority of my game collection a work, we really have a good amount of games to choose from.
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Not regularly. However, I do get my colleagues to play Power Grid at the annual holiday party—you see, I work at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and they enjoy talking about how well the game models the real electricity utility industry.
A few years ago, I wrote up a session report about it on Board Game Geek:
My game play is almost solely at work. We would average out to once a week. But this year, it’s been too busy for much game playing. Hopefully that will change soon.
No time at my shift for such. No other gamers in the crew anyways…
We play once a week on average. There’s actually a few of us in two offices in the same office park. We meet at some at the cafe, and stick to games we can play in less than 90 minutes.
Race for the Galaxy (most often), Homesteaders, Settlers, Pandemic, Citadels, Ra, Acquire (once, and rushed!), Dominion, and Small World have all hit the table at one time or another.