I got a chance to talk with Matthew Grau, the head man behind WildFire today (and creator of one of my favorite RPGs, Cthulhutech). We didn’t have a lot of time together (the booth was really hopping), but we did cover a number of things that will probably get people’s interest! First, the Cthulhutech goodness – now that Wildfire has settled into a nice fit with Standstorm, we should be getting regular Cthulhutech releases. That includes three new releases this year alone:

  • Ancient Enemies will be available at Gencon, focusing on the shadow war between the Eldritch Society and Chrysalis Corporation
  • Unveiled Threats will be a new equipment focused book that should have something for just about anyone who plays Cthulhutech
  • A new adventure book is also in the works for later in the year/early next year

This is all in addition to re-releases of the original rulebook and the first supplement, Vade Mecum, which will feature some clarified rules and built-in cloth bookmarks.

I also asked about the hit card game, Poo. That too is available once more and has been moving off shelves just as quickly as when it debuted. In addition, David indicated that he’s been working on a number of other humorous, animal-based card games that should be rolling out in the near future. I’m really excited to see WildFire ramping back up – should make for some great gaming.

Correction: Corrected Matthew’s name (I’m using fatigue as my excuse!)!