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I guess the title pretty much sums it up. You’ll see where this is going in a later post today.
I’m mostly talking RPGs here, but everyone feel free to chime in.
How “Adult” do you make your campaigns? I have to say that most of the Dungeons & Dragons games I played back in the day where pretty tame in that category. They were mostly about delving dungeons, finding treasure, and completing the quest. My HDL games, not that adult either. Even my Werewolf games were not that adult.
My Vampire and Wraith: The Oblivion games where another story all together, but still nothing too bad.
That brings me to a story about an HDL setting I was working on. While it didn’t really seem like it on the surface, the underlaying theme of the setting was very adult, to the point of finally thinking about having to shrink wrap it on store shelves. The setting didn’t force you to play in any certain way, but things could have gotten a bit carried away. In the end the project was shelved for the time being.
So how about it? How adult do you make your games?
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As adult as the players want and the system allows?
I am fine with matters of sex, love and death showing up in the games I run and play in. But since most of the games I play in these days are usually one or two shots, we rarely have a chance to explore characters deeply.
The previous campaign I was in (my first!) included torturing pirates for information. There was a lot of innuendo, but that’s as sexual as it got. The one I’m currently in included a lecherous old man that was always trying to grope female members of the party. He died of a heart attack in our last session as the player couldn’t find his character sheet.
I’m a very PG-13 DM when I run. I don’t delve into very mature themes or if I do, I only allude to them, I certainly don’t throw it my player’s faces. My example is that hobgoblins were raiding a village and kidnapping all the females. That’s all the information I provided and let it go with it at that. One of the players asked me, “What do the hobgoblins want with female villagers?” and I told him, “You have to ask?”
That’s how I roll.
Adult. My gaming group is all in its 30s, watch R rated movies, etc. and see no reason to not run our games the same way.
We usually prefer realistic worlds, so depending on the characters and campaigns, the level of sex and violence varies… In our current campaign, the PCs are pirates, so it’s more like that than usual. The halfling tortured a captured assassin. The monk had an Angel Heart-esque sexual experience with a goddess. Et cetera.
I can understand people who don’t like adult content in general, but it seems kinda messed up to me to appreciate it in books, movies, music, and whatnot but be like OH NO NOT IN AN RPG EEK…