Welcome to Purple Pawn, covering games played around the world by billions of people every day.
There’s a TON of RPGs out there, yet many peoples’ experience doesn’t go much farther than Dungeons and Dragons.
Of course many of you are well versed in different systems, and may even play more than one! Not all of us have the time, or the group to try multiple systems, though. Sadly, I barely even have time to play the system that my own company publishes.
What are some of the systems you play? How many different systems do you regularly play? How many systems have you played total?
Over the years I’ve played D&D (AD&D 2nd, and D&D 3rd editions), Shadowrun, Vampire : The Masquerade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and the HDL Universal Tactical Role Playing System.
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I think the question is how you define “played”.
If you limit it only to systems where you’ve played long campaigns (say, at least a year running), I think most people couldn’t really claim to have played over half a dozen or so. If you include every system you used in a one-shot on in a convention game, it becomes almost impossible to count…
Let’s see. Over the past 28 years, I’ve played the following games:
-Dungeons & Dragons (boxed sets, AD&D1 and AD&D2, D&D3.0 and 3.5, 4e and Pathfinder)
-RoleMaster, Middle Earth Role Playing, Harp, SpaceMaster
-Palladium: Fantasy, Beyond the Supernatural, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness, Robotech, Rifts
-Warhammer Fantasy
-Space 1889/Castle Falkenstein
-Call of Cthulu
-Storyteller: World of Darkness — Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Exalted
-Boot Hill
-Top Secret SI/James Bond 007
-Hero System: Champions
-DC Heroes/DC Universe
-Marvel Superheroes 2nd Ed.
-Silver Age Sentinels, TriStat/D20
-D20 Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Ed.
-Doctor Who: FASA, Time Lord, Adventures in Time and Space
-Star Wars: D6, D20, and Saga Editions
-Generic Universal Role-Playing System (GURPS) 3rd Ed. in multiple genres
-Savage Worlds
-Amber Diceless Role-Playing
-Assorted D20 steampunk games
-Star Frontiers/Gamma World
-Shadowrun 3rd Ed.
-Star Trek: FASA, Decipher, D20, GURPS Prime Directive
-Twilight 2000
-Cyberpunk 2020
And others I’m sure I’ve forgotten. I like to dabble in different genres and systems, but my favorites and the games I’ve played the most are D20, GURPS, and lately, retro-clone and rules-light games.
True enough. Of the systems I listed, I’ve only played the following in longer campaigns that lasted at least a few months:
-Dungeons & Dragons (multiple editions)
-Palladium Fantasy and Warhammer Fantasy
-Storyteller: World of Darkness — Vampire: the Masquerade
-Hero System: Champions/Silver Age Sentinels
-DC Heroes/DC Universe
-Marvel Superheroes 2nd Ed.
-D20 Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Ed.
-Doctor Who: FASA
-Star Wars: D6, D20, and Saga Editions
-Generic Universal Role-Playing System (GURPS) 3rd Ed. in multiple genres
-Assorted D20 steampunk games
-Star Frontiers
-Shadowrun 3rd Ed.
-Star Trek: FASA