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30 Jul
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Card Games, Classic Board Games, Modern Board Games
Claredon, Jamaica: One man killed in an armed robbery of a Dominoes game. (source)
Memphis, TN: Shooting (no one hit) and a gun butt at a dice game. (source)
Shanghai, China: Couple try to break up neighboring Mahjong club by breaking hot water bottles (injuring themselves in the process, and then demanding that the club pay for their medical bills) and then pouring gas on themselves and – unsuccessfully – trying to set themselves and the house on fire. (source)
Edmonton, Canada: One man stabs another several times with scissors after a game of Mahjong. (source)
Queens, NY: One elderly man bites off the tip of the thumb of another elderly man in an argument over the game of Go. (source)
Lanarkshire, Scotland: Man stabs himself, stabs his father, and stabs his step-mother to death (not in that order) after his step-mother plays board games with his father. (source)
Salem. MA: Man assaults another with a knife after losing money he “jokingly” bet in a card game in his house. (source)
Los Angeles, CA: City police attempt to crack down on three-card monty dealers. (source)
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