New Games

Lawyers Without Borders has launched Record It, a board game designed to influence African women to register the birth of their children in order to obtain the rights available to them. (source)

Diception is a take on Liar’s Dice. Their press release is (inadvertently) funny. is a windfall for all those who are fond of board games. This website provides information about an exciting board game called diception. The best thing about this board game is that is meant for the whole family. No wonder this website is so recommended.

In addition to offering information about this board game; also connects you to and where you can pick up this board game.

and so on.

Zer Gara Gu, Nor Gara Gu is a board game about Basque language and culture. (source) It’s designed to be easy to play:

“If the possible answers to where Bernardo Atxaga was born are Asteasu or Hernani, the child won’t have a clue and will give a different answer each time he plays. However, if the possible answers are Asteasu or London, it will be easier for the child to get the correct answer and to remember it,” explains [designer] Gotxon Barrueta.

Belgotron by Wim De Blay and Bertrand Devreker is a board game about Belgium, highlighting its absurd government bureaucracy.(source)


Boing Boing promotes Kackel Dackel, a rather disgusting kids game about dog poo (with plastic dog and colored clay). (source)

B to B New Zealand promotes Toppletree. (source)

The Street promotes new “quick” versions of mainstream games, including Monopoly Revolution, Trivial Pursuit Bet You Know It, and Scrabble Flash. (source) They give a sneak peak at the games. (source)

The Jerusalem Posts promotes Jewish games in time for Hanukkah, including No Limit Texas Dreidel, Kosherland, Apples To Apples Jewish Edition, Jewish Fluxx, and toys. (source)