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According to ICv2, Palladium Books has settled its lawsuit with Trion Worlds over the use of the name Rifts in Trion’s upcoming MMOG. That game will now be called “Rift: Planes of Telera,” leaving off the “s.” With that resolved, Palladium can focus more attention on its books, and plans to bring several Rifts and Palladium Fantasy RPG products back in to print in January. The company will also begin releasing new books.
RPG Blog II reports that Aurigas Aldebaron LLC, owners of Iron Crown Enterprises, has retracted its license from Mjolnir Games for Rolemaster and related games. In the future, Aurigas Aldebaron plans to issue new licenses but promises to exercise greater control and restructure those licenses to ensure more products make it in to the hands of customers. The company will encourage a greater emphasis on PDF products and will retain control of the ICE website.
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